For Admission Contact: (08532) 230305
E-mail: [email protected]
Run by Tagore Memorial Education Association.
Year 2019 -20

2.6.1 Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programmes offered by the institution
displayed in website of the institution.

The B.Ed course enables the student-teachers to pursue career or profession in the teaching sector. The course empower in subject, content and pedagogy. Students develop an understanding of the contemporary Indian society with reference to education. During the practice in teaching studentteachers develops interaction with children from divergent socio0economic background.
They acquire knowledge skills and understands pattern of school curriculum. They get to know about gender in equalities in schools, classroom, curriculum, textbook and social institution etc. They come to know the language diversity in Indian classroom situation. They get to know various teaching competencies and assessment strategies for facilitating tearing. They learn how to integrate and apply ICT in facilitation teaching learning process.
[email protected] 2018-19